iconic hotels

82 hotels to sleep in before you die: La Claustra (3)

This underground hotel in the Swiss Alps is called La Claustra and it’s not the best choice for claustrofobic people! Being claustro myself, I’m not sure if I would dare stay there. However it seems like a unique hotel experience which is why I put it on my list anyway 🙂

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(c) La Claustra hotel

Felsenhotel La Claustra is located in the mountain, in an abandoned artillery bunker under the Gotthard Pass at 2050 m above sea level. The 17 hotel rooms are simple yet comfortable.

The short YouTube movie below gives a fairly good impression of the hotel.

There is no cell phone reception or TV here. In other words, you’re here to enjoy the silence of the mountain. Relax in the sauna, swim in the (seasonal) outdoor pool or wander around in a labyrinth of corridors carved out in the rock.

Would you stay in La Claustra? What do you think of the concept of an underground hotel?

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