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Sounds of Silence Festival 2019

The Sounds of Silence Festival will celebrate its 5th edition from March 7 until March 10 at De Nieuwe Regentes theater in the Hague. The festival is all about silent film and live music. It’s my favorite movie festival in the Netherlands.

(c) Sounds of Silence

So every year there is a choice of movie classics which are accompagnied by live music. The music is composed and performed on stage by contemporary artists so one gets a special perspective to these early cinema masterpieces. Musicians and artists participating in this edition are: Ensemble Klang; Guus Janssen, Wolter Wierbos and Wim Janssen; The Edge Ensemble and Elisenda Pujals; Tomer Baruch and Alex Brajković; Cristiana Vignatelli and Geoff Leigh; Carolina Cortés Zambelli, Nathalia Valdés Vergara and Renán Zelada Cisneros.

Le voyage dans la lune, Georges Méliès, 1902
Le voyage dans la lune, Georges Méliès, 1902

I went last year and saw a movie by the pioneer of early cinema Georges Méliès. The music was really cool, a mix of acoustic and electronic sounds and there were projections and lights and shadows play. It was a special experience, very surreal even. I loved it and will surely go again this year.

Metropolis silent movie
Metropolis, 1927

There will be six movies showing this year: Modern Times (Charles Chaplin | USA, 1936), Metropolis (Fritz Lang | Germany, 1927) and more. Click here for the whole program. You can buy a ticket for just one movie or you can get the passepartout for the whole festival.

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