Art Crush ♥ Elle Svilan-Svalina

The first time I saw a painting by Croatian artist Elle Svilan-Svalina was in 2005 while having a stroll through the streets of Ljubljana on one of my trips through Slovenia. We walked by a gallery and one of her small paintings in the window caught my eye.

(c) Ella Svilan Svalina
The cute face looking at me on the painting made me think of those Troll dolls when I was a kid, with the fat noses and friendly faces.

(c) Ella Svilan Svalina

Elle Svilan-Svalina calls the girls and boys on her paintings “angels”. I really like them, they put out a good vibe somehow. I would love to buy a few for the children’s rooms, I think they would be great there 🙂

(c) Ella Svilan Svalina

Artist and her work (c) Primoz M. Dolnicar
Artist and her work (c) Primoz M. Dolnicar

Elle Svilan-Svalina also applies her work on earrings, brooches and pendants.

(c) Ella Svilan Svalina

Check the online webshop of Angels by Ella to see more work by Ella Svilan-Svalina or to buy some great piece of art or jewelry!

All works ex. the photo of the artist (c) Ella Svilan Svalina

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