willy verginer kunst

Frederique ♥ Willy Verginer

If I’d wake up rich tomorrow, I’d buy an original Willy Verginer and a house with sea views. A small apartment because I don’t like big houses, they scare me….

Willy Verginer
(c) Willy Verginer

Sea views and a lonely pet

A small apartment in Alassio, Ramatuelle or Cadaques, with a large balcony where I could write in the evenings after I put my kids in bed. I would also buy a pet for the children. A cat probably as they have been asking for one for ages.

Willy Verginer
(c) Willy Verginer
Willy Verginer
(c) Willy Verginer

Or even better, I would get two pets, because otherwise we would have a lonely pet and loneliness is scheiße. I would travel the world in an Unimog with blue curtains, with the kids and the pets, to help out where we could as we would be rich anyway. We would volunteer wherever needed and give money away instead of color pencils.

Robin Hood wasn’t rich

Rich people are supposed to help poor people. At least that’s what I think. Obviously not all the rich people share my view. Then again, if they would they probably would not be rich.

Willy Verginer
(c) Willy Verginer

So, one apartment with sea views, two pets, helping out where needed and art. What about art? Well seriously, art is one of the greatest things on earth. Children, kindness, nature and art. The rest is not that important really. Really! And the first artwork I would buy would be a wooden statue by Willy Verginer. Would look great on my balcony with sea view. And a statue by Jason deCaires Taylor which I could admire when I’d go diving at 7 am to start the day off right!

(c) Willy Verginer
(c) Willy Virginia

Dip dye

You never get old when you have children. Therefore, thanks to my daughter, I’m on top of the whole modern music stuff, modern vocabulary and modern hairstyles and all. Nowadays, lots of girls have dip dye hair. Vent, vidi, vici. Dip dye came, dip dye disappeared and now dip dye is back again to stay. It’s kind of like if you’d take the woman or girl and dip her hair in dye until like half way. So she’ll be half blonde for example and half pink haired or blue or something.

Willy Verginer
(c) Willy Verginer

…. Willie Verginer’s been dip dying his statues for ages. And he’s got two toned rabbits and flowers too!

Check the website of Willy Verginer to see more impressive work. He’s got a great all shiny series of statues with golden details 🙂

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