Art crush ♥ Young-Deok Seo

The large sculptures of Young-Deok Seo are ingenious masterpieces! They are all made out of metal chains, mostly bike chains.

nirvana 2, 50 x 50 x 120 cm
Nirvana 2, 50 x 50 x 120 cm

The chains are welded, piece by piece, which reflects in the natural and fluent line of his work. Young-Deok Seo must be a really patient guy as this is very precise work! The making of one of his sculptures will take him from about two month to one year time.

meditation 2, 100 x 30 x 120 cm
Meditation 2, 100 x 30 x 120 cm
Exposition 2011 at Insa Art Center
Exposition 2011 at Insa Art Center

This great artist from South Korea focuses on male and female bodies, faces and torsos. The postures and facial expressions are incredibly realistic. Brilliant stuff, don’t you think?

Dystopia 2,
Dystopia 2,

Check the site of Young-Deok Seo to see more of his artwork or to read more about the philosophy and inspiration behind his sculptures.

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